The future of Content Management…

This week Jon Marks posted his list of 40 (now 56) CMS gurus to follow on Twitter, I made the list so now I feel the pressure to say something of genius that will amaze the group. Truth is I have nothing. I have nothing because I am one day from my holiday where my attention can only be brought to thoughts of mountains, dynamic views and scotch. Yes, I am going to Scotland! I hope it won’t rain but hope is always filled with a certain sense of reality – it is Scotland, it is going to rain buckets.

Even before Jon’s post I have been trying to be inspired to write something that I feel passionate enough about to post. I guess I have been too busy to think, net alone get the time to actually post.  However, late last night inspiration hit me and then, after consideration it hit me again! So I put aside the first idea and moved on to the latter one.

It occurred to me that all the CMS gurus are not really discussing. Sure we are partaking in the “global conversation”, blogging and commenting and some of us actually seem to do this for a job. For a discussion you need a topic. Evil genius Kas Thomas managed this, to some extent, with the CMS Vendor Meme but that was too general and too now for what I want to hear. So I have come up with the following challenge.

My challenge is to all the CMS gurus that read or see this post (and by god am I going to try and make sure you read it) is to write a blog post with the title “The Future of Content Management” and start with the line “The future of Content Management is… “. Clearly there is alot of scope in the answer which is of course the idea. Post your answer on your blog and comment on this post with your link. Don’t forget to use the tag in twitter and on your post.

After my holiday I will be checking back on progress. Some of your comments will have to wait until I am back to approve them (sorry), so please be patient.

Hashtag: #CMSFuture
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27 comments / Add your comment below

  1. The future of Content Management is… the flexibility and creativity of a blank InDesign canvas, married to a scalable CMS with modern drag-and-drop functionality throughout it User Experience.

    That’s all I’ve got — it’s Friday. Nice post. Enjoy the vistas of Scotland!

  2. Pingback: Twitted by izahoor
  3. An interesting challenge and definitely different from the typical “10 things about me”. Now where did I hide my visionary goggles?

  4. To look at the future of the Content Management you should look at the present of any other system that started as a “Platform” 15 years ago – and now has features that we regard as part of that platform, though they weren’t. I can clearly see a browser developer saying that a Javascript engine is _not_ part of the browser, however you can’t ship a browser without a Javascript engine.

    Same will happen with CMS systems, where “simple” stuff like workflow and mail notification, link management, etc become embedded in the CMS rather than add-ons.

    And it’s friday, that’s enough.

  5. Dear Julian,

    In my humble opinion, the future of content management is collaboration and offering flexible services in form of SAAS and PAAS(creation of custom services for Web Content mgmt, DAM, Content Billing, etc) rather than onpremise CMS products.

    Enjoy your stay in Scotland!!!

  6. The future of Content Management is… the ability to merge the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of information (documents/data streams and conversational content)in a way that places information in context and produces actionable intelligence. CM has to become more than just an easy way to aggregate data and regurgitate it on command.

  7. Great question!

    I think the future of content management is information management. Sounds dull, even trite, but as the boundaries — between content and data, and between online and print — continue to dissolve (albeit slowly), we are all going to start having to think about information and not just website management.

    Some related links:

  8. If by “Content Management” we’re talking “Web Content Management” then Content Management will cease to be relevant and will die.

    Your device will provide access to all of the services you need at home or work. Presentation frameworks will provide you with your information needs in your current role(s) context formatted by the framework. You will be able to customerise your experience – but only within the framework providers capabilities – but you won’t care because you will be getting what you want (or what you think you want) when you need (or feel the need for) it.

    There will only be application composition. I predict the end of HTML as it ceases to be relevant. Framework providers will provide enough of the UI experience to make composition a non-technical capability accessible to all.

    Or I could be smoking dope….

  9. As the internet is moving from a “i’m a company and want to show you something” through selfservice websites into community driven websites. The question’s CMS’s users need to ask is not anymore “how do i manage my content?”, but “how do I manage my communities content and provide him a personalized experience?”

  10. hello – is it just me !! can any one explain why when i type in the bing browser “” i get a different site yet whe i type it in google its ok? could this be a bug in my system or is any one else having same probs ?
    alfie saden

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